
HashtagBook copy paste para iPhone

  • Gratuito

  • En Español
  • V 2.7.92
  • 4.4

  • Estado de Seguridad

Análisis Softonic

HashtagBook copiar y pegar: Organiza y copia tus hashtags favoritos con facilidad

HashtagBook copy paste is a free iPhone app developed by Codepaint Inc. that simplifies the process of managing and using hashtags. With over 150,000 downloads, this app is perfect for anyone looking to grow their social media following or those who frequently use specific hashtags.

The app allows users to register, manage, and instantly copy their favorite hashtags with just a tap. It provides a seamless experience across various apps, making it effortless to use hashtags in your social media posts. Additionally, HashtagBook copy paste offers the unique feature of creating Instagram captions with line breaks, enabling users to enhance the visual appeal of their posts.

Using HashtagBook copy paste is easy. Users can discover fresh hashtags in the "Discover" tab, save and organize their hashtags under "My Hashtag," and access recently copied hashtags from the "History" section. The app also offers data sharing capabilities, allowing users to sync their hashtags across devices using the "Import with QR Code" feature.

For those seeking an ad-free experience and the ability to reorder saved hashtags, an upgrade to the paid version is available for $4.99. Please note that payments are processed through your Apple ID account, and no cancellations or refunds are permitted.

With its user-friendly interface and convenient features, HashtagBook copy paste is a valuable tool for anyone looking to enhance their social media presence.

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HashtagBook copy paste para iPhone

  • Gratuito

  • En Español
  • V 2.7.92
  • 4.4

  • Estado de Seguridad

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